4 Questions to Build Self Awareness

Apr 11, 2023

I recall the times when I used to feel extremely stressed about going to work next day. I was not motivated or excited about my daily activities though I was a star performer in my sales division. 

My boss once made a remark, "you are doing well though you have never been able to reach office by 9 am since you've joined."

 I found that amusing as he didn't care much as long as I was producing results.

 and, of course, I never cared much anyways. 

 But, now, when I run my business that involves my passion, emotion, commitment and BIG VALUABLE IMPACT... I am always on time, and never take anything for granted. 

 Why this shift?

I am the same human... with same set of abilities.


Well, what changed was my MINDSET.

I was no longer doing anything half hearted, without having a big vision or a clarity of my path.

I have been on a crystal clear journey, though still full of ups and downs and massive learnings... but, there is no question of lack of motivation or purpose or my highest growth.

 and, a lot of folks ask me, how to find find that clarity, higher purpose, value driven mindset and my highest success?


 So, today, I'll try to break it into a few ways that you can start to work with... (without you doing anything, nothing will change)


1. Know your Top Value 

What is your top skill that helps your org. or your business clients the most? What can you teach someone in 30 minutes that can help them solve some problem? 

2. Job/Work Fitness

Do you enjoy your work activities? Do you want to incorporate some of your key talents in your daily work? Does your current job/business offers that space? 

3. Long Term & Short Term Vision

What are you 90-120 days goals? How do you want to build your career success in 10-15 years? Are you building that up along the way? 

4. Transition into New Career/Business 

What are your big fears when it comes to changing paths? 

Do you have a plan or strategies to support you during the pivoting process?

Have you made necessary lifestyle and environmental changes to support the new vision?


I gave you this above framework to cultivate SELF AWARENESS which is really is the first step to achieving the growth you truly desire. 

As you start to ask yourself these  important questions, you'll know where you at and where you want to go and the next step is COVERING THESE GAPS so you can fast forward your success by making effective decisions and taking powerful actions.

 I've personally used help and mentoring to cultivate my resilient mindset and clarity over my business growth. I believe I saved a lot of time and avoided unnecessary frustration by simply being more open to learning from folks who had done it before. 

 If you also think alike, then do consider signing up for the waitlist of my upcoming mentorship program on "Career Growth Mastery". 

 I am so excited to bring this to life in the month of May and help thousands fast forward the financial and professional success and help you get paid, promoted and positioned as an authority in your field. 



Overcome the Fear of Failure & Pursue Your Passion


 Time to overcome the fears so you TAKE ACTION for what's true to your heart.

Click HERE to learn insights on:

1. Where does fear come from and how to mitigate it's impact

2. Train your Brain to relax out of comfort zone and move with flow.

3. Secret to Achieving without stressing out lies in this wonderful strategy you'll discover in this video.

4. Focus On Good rather Lack can ease out anxiety. Learn the daily practices that can help you build a 'grateful & resilient" mindset.

I am hopeful you're going to take incredible value from this new video offering wisdom + strategies for life & career success. 


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